My lovely friend Robin turned me on recently to Mrs. Judy Henske, and i'm in love! Hailing from Chippewa Falls - home of the supercomputer and Leinenkugels Beer - Judy's a one woman riot with a killer voice that will knock the socks right off yer feet. She became popular in the 60's, especially among the beat crowd - some hack even styled her "the queen of the beatniks"- and the moniker stuck. While working in NewYork, she started a romantic relationship with Woody Allen, which allegedly inspired him to use Judy as a model for the character Annie Hall.
This is my dear Robin: one of the most beautiful people I know! (pic stolen from her Flikr)
She's away on amazing adventures. She's living in Amsterdam for a year. I miss her so! But this music makes me happy. I hope it will make you happy too.
i just knew you would fallll for judy henske. i'm in copenhagen right now and last night we drank (a lot) and danced (a lot) to some australian electro band at this guy's house and it made me think of you!
i just knew you would fallll for judy henske. i'm in copenhagen right now and last night we drank (a lot) and danced (a lot) to some australian electro band at this guy's house and it made me think of you!
Judy is perfrming live in LA on Mrch 24, 2009. Go see her..I am..
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